Adelpha & Limenitis & Basilarchia

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Tue Jun 8 13:51:21 EDT 1999

At 01:52  9/06/99 GMT, you wrote:
>Could somebody tell me if Adelpha, Basilarchia and Limenitis and still
>separate species, or if Limenitis replace the others now ? If no, what
>is the main criteria that separates those species ?
>Sent via
>Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
  *Basilarchia* is either a subgenus of *Limenitis* if one is a lumper or
is a full genus analogous to *Ladoga* if you are a splitter.
  *Adelpha* is not closely related to *Limenitis* but belongs to the same
subtribe as *Parthenos* of the Old World.
  The "ORANGE TIP WHITE ADMIRAL" mimicry guild of the Americas includes
members of both subtribes. *Adelpha* species in the Partheni resemble in
color pattern but not in structure both *Limenitis (Limenitis) bredowii*
and *Limenitis (Basilarchia) lorquini* of the Limeniti.
..........Chris Durden

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