Clothes moths

Mark Walker MWalker at
Wed Jun 16 13:20:14 EDT 1999

Well, I don't know if it's all in my head or not but...

I have noticed that when I'm using it (cutting it and pinning it in my
drawers), it tends to give me a light-headed feeling.  I, too, try not to
spend too much time in contact with it.  As I've said before, I'm more
worried about my prolonged exposure to nuclear radiation and asbestos than I
am with my limited exposure to bug poisons.  When the tumors grow, they'll
only be a little bigger than otherwise on account of my insect collection.

I find that vapona does have an odor, but not as strong as the moth balls.

Mark Walker.

Chris Durden wrote:

  Does anyone else find that DDVP/dichlorvos/vapona has an odor, and is a
mood altering drug? The mood is not a better one! It also reacts with some
metal alloys, with a yellow chrome? oxide powder forming. I use it, but
sparingly and only in dire emergency.
.............Chris Durden

At 02:22  14/06/99 +0000, you wrote:
>Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>> I've had a running (and losing) battle with clothes moths in
>> my Massachusetts home and could use some expert advice
>> short of building a cedar closet and filling my home with fumes
>> from napthalene.  All ideas are welcome from carniverous plants
>> and mantids to some kind of trap or special lighting.
>Six dollar DDVP (dichlorvos) resin (No Pest) strips are available at many
variety stores 
>and will easily take care of moth problems. You need 1 strip per 1000
cubic feet. You 
>won't see or smell anything, but just a tiny amount of DDVP insecticide in
the air will kill 
>virtually any kind of small food or clothes infesting moth within a day.
Won't harm the 
>spiders, carpet beetles, ants and other types of household pests. Won't
kill moth larvae 
>either - just the adults. 
>For adult moth control, DDVP resin strips are a more effective and
odorless alternative to 
>napthalene and the total release pyrethroid aerosol bombs that some people
use to 
>disinfest their homes.
>Paul Cherubini

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