NABA Checklist
Chris Durden
drdn at
Fri Jun 18 10:31:09 EDT 1999
Thanks for a clear posting about how the NABA Checklist was prepared.
This was news to me and pobably a lot of other non-NBA folk. It clears the
air a bit. Maybe wih a little more input fom non-Naba people we can
generate a list of vernacular names that is more acceptable to all.
..........Chris Durden
At 05:33 AM 1999:06:18 -0400, you wrote:
>I tend to agree with Mike Quinn regarding the NABA Checklist as a
>standard for North American butterflies. I don't agree with every
>choice, but most are satisfactory (or at least inoffensive). (I need to
>make a disclaimer. I am a former NABA chapter president and also a
>former systematist (avian).
>It might help if people realized that the NABA Checklist Committee was:
>Brian Cassie, Jeffrey Glassberg, Paul Opler, Robert Robbins, and Guy
>Tudor. Paul was (I believe) president of the Lep Soc at the time he
>served on the committee. Rob Robbins is the Lep curator at the
>Smithsonian. I know from personal conversations that the others are
>well-versed in the scientific names of the butterflies and are
>professionals in popularizing natural history.
>The NABA Checklist outlines in some details the methodology used to
>arrive at the names, and for many taxa there is a whole paragraph on
>why one name was chosen over others. Their negotiated approach is
>similar to the approach used by the American Birding Association AND the
>American Ornithologists' Union to standardize bird names.
>The checklist was a reasonable sequel to Miller's fascinating compendium
>of the Common Names of Butterflies (up to 10 for some species) gleaned
>from an extensive review of publications.
>We opted to use the NABA names in our book on Butteflies of New Jersey,
>although we balked at the SOUTHERN HAIRSTREAK a consequence of lumping
>Satyrium ontario (formerly called the Northern Hairstreak) which DOES
>occur in NJ with S. favonius (Southern Hairstreak) which does NOT occur
>here. (By the way these are probably better known as Fixsenia spp).
>Although the scientific name favonius had precedence, the precedence
>criterion does not apply to vernacular names. S.ontario has a much more
>extensive range so more people were familiar with the Northern than the
>Southern (hence more people inconvenienced by the name change). I found
>it particularly difficult to accept the name Southern Hairstreak after
>rejecting records of favonius from NJ. However, I confess to being
>unable to find a more suitable vernacular name. Since favonius is named
>after "western spring wind" I wonder if Spring Wind Hairstreak might be
>more appropriate (or maybe Breezy Hairstreak??).
> We compromised and listed it as "Southern or Northern
>Hairstreak". Compromises usually leave no one happy.
> We also grudglingly acceeded to standardization by adopting
>Juniper Hairstreak for Callophrys (formerly Mitroura) gryneus when the
>various western relatives (Callophrys siva) were lumped with it. If
>gryneus remains the species name, why not retain Olive as the vernacular
>name (as was done with the Southern/Northern). It was explained to me
>that although "Olive" is widely used in the East, Siva and Juniper are
>widely used for different populations of C. siva. In this case, all of
>the forms feed on Juniper, but not all are olive or greenish, hence
>Juniper was a better discriptor of the lumped taxon. That seemed
>sensible if not entirely palatable, and we followed it reluctantly in
>our book---if you're going to have a standard you have to HAVE a
>standard. However, in common New Jersey field parlance, most people
>still call it Olive Hairstreak.
> A good feature of the checklist is that recently lumped or
>well-marked forms, are listed. This is a reasonable anticipation that
>they may be split in the future. On the other hand, this could have been
>carried to an extreme considering the extensive lumping that has gone on
>in some groups (e.g., fritillaries).
>Mike Gochfeld
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