Utility corridors

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Fri Jun 18 13:00:34 EDT 1999

Anne wrote:

> I received (a while ago) from my pal the tree pruner, a copy 
> of a study
> on the effect of herbicides vs. pruning on leps. Didn't make 
> a particle
> of difference, was the conclusion.

<some snippage>

Did we ever discuss dowsing?  Well, anyway...

It's not that the herbicides are targeting Leps, it's that the herbicides
neutralize the area and often target Lep larval food supplies.  This tends
to make the powerline and railroad track corridors less "interesting" from a
diversity and native species standpoint.  I agree, the cool solution would
be to plant butterfly gardens along these runs, and open the areas up for
study (but please, don't make them inaccessible - leave the WMAs and NWRs
for that).

Mark Walker.
Mission Viejo, CA

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