ID help: odd pink & yellow moth

Neil Schlegel see at msg.for.addr
Sun Jun 20 17:33:05 EDT 1999

I saw a very strange moth a few weeks ago in Canada 
(Ontario, 30 miles north of the Minnesota border) that I 
couldn't find in any moth books.  I thought I'd see if 
anybody here knows what it is.

I saw it at rest on a window screen so I was able to 
see it from both sides.  

First, the view from above:
Approx. 1" from head to tip of the wings.

Each wing has a triangle shape and they are angled 
down to cover the body (none or very little of the 
body is visible from above).

Tbe wings were pink and yellow (solid colors, no spots).  
Imagine a pink wing that has a stripe of yellow emerging 
from the center line where the two wings meet and going 
out to the tip of the wing.  The yellow stripe gets wider as 
it goes from the middle out to the far point of the wing.  
This stripe makes the color of the wing alternate 
pink-yellow-pink as you go from head to tail.  

The head was bright fuzzy yellow, reminding me of a 
thick head of very blond hair.  Its front legs were bright 
fuzzy pink.  These front legs stuck out in front of its 
head and were visible from above.

>From underneath, the body was fuzzy yellow.  I guess 
I didn't write down the color of all the legs;  I just know 
the front legs (visible from the top) were pink.

The fuzzy colors (head, body and front legs) were bright--the 
yellow and pink of the wings were faded in comparison.

I didn't get anything written down on its antenna.  I honestly
don't remember them being there, but I must have just
missed it.

I'd appreciate anybody's guess as to what this one is--thanks!


schlegel 'at' tiny 'dot' net

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