Florida Keys

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Tue Jun 22 08:04:34 EDT 1999

James Adams wrote:

> In rereading this, I realize that I what I wrote is confusing.  The 
> Keys are completely *protected* -- NO swinging a net there or you 
> will get more than a ticket.  Any of these areas are, of course, 
> open to appropriate faunal studies, but you must first apply and get 
> a permit from the appropriate agencies.

I now understand that all of the Keys are protected (well, actually I don't
understand - but I comprehend).  A few years ago I caught a (slightly worn)
pair of Hammock Skippers on a roadside bush next to a dumpster, next to a
pile of old engine blocks, behind a gas station along the busy highway in
Key Largo.  Could I (Should I) have gotten a fine?  Should I (Could I) turn
myself in?

(Could I Would I in a tree?  I would not, could not in a tree - Sam let me

Mark Walker.
Mission Viejo, CA

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