Butterfly people

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Thu Jun 24 13:18:33 EDT 1999

Anne wrote:

> On the other hand, if you're just out there entertaining yourself, and
> you can't stand another fuzzy bunny-wunny reaction, by all 
> means make up
> a tall story. Hunting for two-headed grasshoppers ... dioxin scare ...
> radiation ... netting grizzly bears ... whatever. 

Ha!  This is classic.  I'll have to work on a few others, but I really like
the two-headed grasshopper (by the way, where did you say it can be found?).

I must say, though, that few who participate on this list can be accused of
only serving self-interests.  This forum provides a marvelous mechanism by
which any and all butterfly enthusiasts can make significant contributions.

Personally, I hope to some day write children's literature.  For now, I have
to be content with letting the world know what I'm doing (even though they
didn't ask for it) through LEPS-L.

Mark Walker.
Mission Viejo, CA

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