NOT the collecting debate :-)

Alan5319 alan5319 at
Thu Jun 24 16:05:56 EDT 1999

We were not going to prolong this debate as it is a bit pointless - but - We
did recall reading a wonderful letter on the matter from a most eminent

We quote:
**The best way to deal with do-gooders is aggression. Here is an account of an
actual incident, though of course I can't remember the precise words used:

Indignent lady: "Why must you catch all the butterflies?"

Me: "Actually, I'm not catching butterflies at all; but how splendid to meet
someone who is interested in conservation. Which conservation body do you
belong to?

I.L.: "I beg your pardon?" I repeated my question with explanatory

I.L.: "I'm not a member of any conservation body".

Me: "Yet you have the effrontery to critise me, who was a contributing author
to the Red Data Book on endangered insects; who in my younger days joined
working parties to improve habitats by clearing scrub; who by my study of life
histories have helped provide the information needed for planning and
conservation policy - you should be ashamed! Now if you will give me your name
and address, I'll arrange for your county Wildlife Trust to send you an
application form for membership, so that at least your money can help the cause
you hold so dear".

At this point the indignant lady ran away, weeping copiously.**

Sometimes things may not be as they seem......

Alan & Jeri Coates

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