"But are we gaining professional entomologists?"

Paul Cherubini paulcher at concentric.net
Fri Jun 25 08:50:44 EDT 1999

Mike Quinn wrote:

> Hi Paul, I'm fairly certain that the enrollment in Texas A&M's ENTO Dept.
> hasn't dropped off.  When last I  checked, we had about 20 undergrads and 70
> graduate students. A high percentage of the grad students were 
> foreign students.

I forgot about the huge increases in the number of foreign students enrolling in the ag 
sciences at American universities in recent decades. Thanks for pointing this out.

But if you were to disregard this and just look at the trend in ag science/entomology 
enrollment among American born and raised students, my guess is that the pattern would 
show a decline since the 1970's.


Paul Cherubini

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