Collecting anything and future nature interest

Paul Cherubini paulcher at
Mon Jun 28 11:29:10 EDT 1999

Doug Yanega wrote:

> At present, we have *no* option other
> than regulating collecting of insects by applying the rules that control
> the catching and killing of vertebrates. No one is now or is ever likely to
> be willing to undertake the effort and expense of drafting a parallel set
> of regulations, so we're stuck with blanket rules. 

NABA is certainly wlling to undertake the effort to not only discourage collecting but also 
to outright ban the raising and release of native butterflies. Here is what Jeff Glassberg, 
Bob Pyle and Paul Opler have published on NABA's website:

"A solution that better serves the public interest is to ban the environmental release of 
commercially-obtained butterflies. The intentional release of native birds was outlawed in 
1947. The time has come to do the same with butterflies."

Paul Cherubini

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