Lep. Soc News error

Citheronia at aol.com Citheronia at aol.com
Mon Jun 28 21:59:57 EDT 1999

Hi Everyone!

Just for all of you who recently received (or will receive) the latest issue 
of the News of the Lepidopterists' Society, there is a short article in there 
about attracting Catocala with rotten watermelon. (Article is by me, by the 
way). But every time "Catocala" was mentioned, it was spelled "Catacola". I 
just thought I'd let all of you know this, in case you go out and buy some 
watermelon (prices are too high this time of year!) to catch something of the 
genus "Catacola" (is there even such a genus??), while you are shooing away 
the droves of Catocala coming to the watermelon instead of your prized 
Catacolas. I'm sure most of you knew that Catacola was really Catocala, but I 
just thought I'd let you know.....

Randy Lyttle

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