Irish butterflies

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Tue Jun 29 07:58:45 EDT 1999

yes, but here is where I am ... in a scrap of land where nobody has ever
counted the butterflies. And I'd like a few to count. 
If it was my desire to see a lot of butterflies, I coulda stood at home. 
My brother's house in Normandy is probably similarly equipped with lots
of rain and very few butterflies. Nice, now ... that's probably loaded
with them. 
Cork is about as far south as you go while staying in Ireland ... and
(not to shock you fellows) butterflies are not why I came to Ireland. 
I came to gather the few cabbage leaves the butterflies have not eaten,
pull a few little onions, check the raspberries to see if they still
have a green transparency, perhaps pull the nettles from around the
rhubarb, secure in the knowledge that the red admiral will appreciate
the fresh shoots that grow back ... mash some potatoes for a crust to
the chicken pot pie ... take a trowel to the dead mortar on the upstairs
chimney breast where the rain has soaked it for a century ... 
and greet affectionately the single speckled wood who represents his
race, checking carefully in case he has decided to be something
different while I wasn't looking. 
My brother, meanwhile, will be doing the same to his house in Normandy
... you can find his book, Nicholas Kilmer's "A Place in Normandy" at There's a good rabbit recipe ... 
no butterflies though
Anne Kilmer

Pierre Zagatti wrote:
> Anne Kilmer wrote:
> >         I saw no butterflies in Cork, despite two bright sunny days and much
> > hiking about in gardens and wildernesses.
> > Are other Irish butterfly-watchers also having a bad year? They tell me
> > the winter was dreadful.
> > Anne Kilmer
> > Mayo
> > ireland
> Anne,
> I love Ireland, people, landscape and music (i was not so bad
> in playing jigs on my tin whistle). But when I want to see
> butterflies, or insects in general.........
> Maybe it's better in France.
> :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
> --
> Pierre ZAGATTI
> INRA Unite de Phytopharmacie et Mediateurs Chimiques
> 78026 Versailles Cedex
> Tel: (33) 1 30 83 31 18
> e-mail zagatti at

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