Bfly releases

Sharyn Fernandez botany at
Tue Jun 29 12:18:04 EDT 1999

Again, I doubt that 'releases' will be of such a large quantity to threaten
any 'balance' of nature... At worse,  more 'biomass' would be added.

At best, I'd hope it would be to add appreciation of the environment, of
nature. Think about it, it's just usually 25 to 50 butterflies released at
a time, where conditions permit; potentially these would have matured as
eggs. Yes this might not have been where the eggs were originally layed,
but there are USDA laws already that have confined it to these areas. Many
times the butterflies may even stay around and give people an rare
opportunity to actually 'interact' with them one on one - maybe it's the
delicate feeling of having a butterfly on your finger or in your hand, but
something happens that creates or reinforces a 'bond' with species of
"other nations" that says 'we need each other'. What better lesson than
this can be gained? I doubt that people come away from this experience
yelling " I've got to get a net and start catching butterflies!" as would
seem to be alluded to by some...

 THIS surely is a more environmentally friendly alternative that releasing
balloons, etc. Of course I'm speaking of wedding releases, which is the
primary 'target' of butterfly releases;  (An alternative to rice, even bird
seed - that brings the question of rice being bad for birds eating the
'left overs' ; or even flower seeds - all these other choices   that
facilities seem to object to since they leave a mess for them to clean up -

I just think NABA,etc.  can't condone (spelled it right this time!) it,
because they'd have to 'support it' as the alternative, and I think there
would be such a large response that this it what they would end up doing
entirely, and they're just not geared up to do it.  Not to say I don't
support Univ. of Kansas actual research into protozoa, mites and other
microbiological activity affecting (monarch) populations, as far as it
goes... Likewise I wholeheartedly support the 'non=consumptive' approach in
so far as insects can be appreciated by not always swatting them... and
being able to study they're life history in the field. But NABA again
reinforces the 'bad boy' image of the collector as an 'abolisher' (much
like the Duck Hunter these days in a way). Somehow I hope both sides can
learn to tolerate each other!

just my opined opinion!!!


S. Fernandez
Concord CA
botany at

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