New Lep books from CSIRO

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at
Wed Jun 30 13:31:32 EDT 1999

Just received a flier from down-under (CSIRO) listing some new and forthcoming lep books that might be of interest:

All can be ordered off the CSIRO website :


Geometrid Moths of the World (International Edition):
 A Catalogue, by  MJ Scoble. Natural History Museum, London
June 1999. 1400 pp in 2 Harback volumes plus CD-ROM
$(US) 295.00 ISBN 0 643 06304 8S


The Geometridae is one of the most species-rich families of Lepidoptera. This book is the first  comprehensive catalogue of the 35 000 names of these insects. 
The primary purpose of the work is to provide a substantial body of taxonomic information, much of it previously unpublished, on the available names of the Geometridae. The catalogue is based on the most complete world classification of the geometrids, the card index to genera and species in The Natural History Museum, London.

The two volumes include information on type specimens, type localities and, where possible, larval foodplants. A CD-ROM listing all species referred to in the two text volumes is included with the package and will be of great value to verify valid names and to check spelling.


Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera
Volume 6. Biology of Australian Butterflies
  RL Kitching, E Scheermeyer, RE Jones & NE Pierce (Eds)
 May 1999 400 pp colour illust Hardback  $150.00  0 643 05027 2

                   This book brings together exciting accounts of life history strategies of a range of species, as well as background information on general butterfly behaviour, taxonomy and evolutionary aspects. Each chapter is written by one of Australia’s professional lepidopterists and provides a comprehensive literature review as a reference for further research for professional, amateur and  student alike.

 Illustrated with figures, tables and colour plates, this book provides a rich source of information that will fascinate and challenge the reader to further our knowledge of the Australian butterfly fauna.

===== Forthcoming (Feb 2000) ====

Butterflies of Australia --- two volumes (1100 pp + 70 color plates!)


Also don't forget:  
Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera Volume 4. Checklist of the Lepidoptera of
 Australia.   ES Nielsen, ED Edwards & TV Rangsi (Eds).  1996  529 pp illust
  Book & CD-ROM, $120.00, ISBN: 0 643 05028 0


The Checklist is the first complete reference to the taxonomy, nomenclature and classification of the entire described Australian fauna of Lepidoptera The book contains a short introduction to   each family, a complete systematic listing of all valid generic and specific names with their  synonyms, major misspellings and important misidentifications, comprehensive notes to each family, a complete index and a CD-ROM containing all the actual checklist text files in ASCII format.

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