Breeding butterflies as a hobby - UK

Nigel Venters venters at
Fri Mar 5 13:21:11 EST 1999

Hi Mike,
Things have moved on a lot since the 1970's and there is a huge range of
livestock available now in the UK. Have a look at the ELG website
(Entomological Livestock Group.) UK based, at

 A good contact also is :
Nigel South, Butterfly Connections, Breeding Centre, Silver Street,
Misterton, Somerset TA18 8NH England. E-Mail
nigel at

This guy has an amazing range of livestock available throughout the year.
Nigel Venters

Mike Tough <Mike.Tough at> wrote in article
<7bot3t$la4$1 at>...
> Some time ago (1970's) I had a hobby of breeding a wide range of
> and moths. As well as locally collected specimens, I used to send away to
> UK company (Worldwide Butterflies - I think) for eggs/pupae of more
> species.
> Since then, my involvement has lapsed, but my 8 year old son is now very
> keen on pursuing the same hobby.
> I am now looking for any UK companies that can supply eggs/pupae. Can
> anybody suggest any companies that do this?

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