Tim White tim.white at yale.edu
Thu Mar 11 16:19:27 EST 1999

The Natural History Collections List (NHCOLL-L)  has moved!

Effective today, March 10, 1999, the Natural History Collections
listserver, NHCOLL-L, has moved to Yale University's Peabody Museum of
Natural History. NHCOLL-L is a general-purpose electronic forum for those
with an interest in the care and management of natural history collections.
Membership in NHCOLL-L is open to anyone with e-mail.  NHCOLL-L is an
unmoderated list, therefore we  depend on the list members to provide only
those postings that are appropriate to the subject matter. Tim White is the
list owner. 

NHCOLL-L is co-sponsored by the Association for Systematic Collections
(ASC) and the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
(SPNHC). The List is a result of the joint annual meeting held in 1994 by
ASC and SPNHC and a project to improve the policies and practices of
natural history collections sponsored by a grant to ASC from the Institute
of Museum Services. For the first five years, NHCOLL-L was hosted by the
Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley. The list
owners were Lori Benson (University of Minnesota) and Jackie Zak (Getty
Conservation Trust), respectively, and administered locally by Allen
Collins at UCMP. 

Both ASC and SPNHC are dedicated to the preservation and care of natural
history collections.  NHCOLL-L gives those working with these collections a
place to discuss the issues they have in common, such as administration,
collections care, computerization, conservation, and management. Both
policy and practical discussions are appropriate.  For further information
on natural history collections care and management visit ASC at
www.ascoll.org or SPNHC at www.spnhc.org.

********************** COMMON NHCOLL-L QUESTIONS *********************
To post messages to NHCOLL-L:
Compose email addressed to NHCOLL-L at LISTS.YALE.EDU and put what you want
to say to the group in the text of your email.  Please include a
several word synopsis of what your email is about in the Subject line.
Managing your NHCOLL-L subscription:
All email for managing NHCOLL-L subscriptions should be addressed to
LISTPROC at LISTS.YALE.EDU (not to the posting address).  Some of the
most commonly desired actions are as follows:
Your desire:                       Text of email should be:
signup to the list                 SUBSCRIBE NHCOLL-L yourname
signoff from the list              UNSUBSCRIBE NHCOLL-L
short info about the list          REV NHCOLL-L SHORT
full info, including subscribers   REV NHCOLL-L
review your subscription settings  SET NHCOLL-L
stop receipt of mail temporarily   SET NHCOLL-L MAIL POSTPONE
resume mail delivery again         SET NHCOLL-L MAIL
get mail as a daily digest         SET NHCOLL-L MAIL DIGEST

More information about the Leps-l mailing list