Butterfly in Winter
fletch at vaxxine.com
Sun Mar 14 08:51:45 EST 1999
valeries at home.com wrote in message <36EACA98.2C7AFCB1 at home.com>...
>I live in Ft. McMurray, Alberta. This morning with -1 celcius, I found
>a very large, black & orange butterfly perched on my metal shed. Does
>anyone have any ideas where this butterfly came from?
>I am stumped as to what to tell my children.
>valeries at home.com
Could be a Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa). This butterfly overwinters as
an adult usually hiding in the bark of trees and is inactive most of the
winter but on a bright sunny day when the sun warms its wings it will go for
a short flight get a small sip of water to rehydrate and disappear back into
the bark of a tree trunk. I I've seen quite a few in flight over the years
here in Southern Ontario perhaps someone reading this can confirm if they
extend as far north as your locale.
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