Eastern San Diego Co.

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Tue Mar 16 21:02:04 EST 1999

Finally some rain here in SoCal.  It actually snowed down to 1500 ft.

Here's a field report from Shelter Valley, San Diego county, California, USA
on March 12, 1999.

A wonderful day in the desert, with many interesting butterflies on the

Anthocharis sara sara, including form caliente/stella (Sara Orangetip) - 5
Anthocharis lanceolata australis (Grinnell's Marble) - 1
Euphydryas chalcedona quino (Quino Checkerspot) - 12
Calephelis wrightii (Wright's Metalmark) - 1
Glaucopsyche lygdamus australis (Southern Blue) - > 100
Callophrys affinis (Bramble Hairstreak) - > 100

Also a day flying black and white moth (couldn't id it).  Too small for
Hemileuca - estimated 4 cm wingspan.

Mark Walker
Mission Viejo, CA

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