Mourning cloak (Nymphalis Antiopa) behavior and ecology

Paul Cherubini paulcher at
Fri Mar 19 12:39:36 EST 1999

Guy Van de Poel wrote:

> This may be an additional reason for the diminishing presence of N. antiopa
> and N. polychloros in central and western Europe. 
> We will end up with such a 'clean' world, that nothing else will
> be able to survive in it.

Cloaks are often a common sight in urban and suburban areas of
California where ornamental trees suchs as elms and willows are utilized
as host plants. Sometimes there are outbreaks when Cloaks may be
considered an ornamental pest. I have also seen Mourning Cloaks (as well
as Swallowtails, Vanessas and sulphurs) on the wing in the city parks of
Mexico City--said to be one of the smoggiest cities in the world.

Paul Cherubini, El Dorado, California

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