Sphingidae Search

Jonathan Sylvestre Jonathan.Sylvestre at residences.ulaval.ca
Tue Mar 23 11:31:27 EST 1999

IM not from area you mentioned but I found _Proserpinus flavofasciata_ in
the center of the Quebec province in Canada...
but here, P. flavofasciata is very rare...

Jonathan Sylvestre
Home Page : http://hermes.ulaval.ca/~residjos/index.htm
"Butterflies and Moths of Quebec"

Tuttle a écrit dans le message <36F3C544.EB8 at fiaaz.net>...
>Is anyone aware of any records in museums or private collections for
>Proserpinus flavofasciata (Sphingidae) from eastern Montana, North
>Dakota, South Dakota, western Nebraska or Minnesota? I am preparing
>distribution maps for an upcoming book and am trying to figure out the
>range across the northen Plains States and the Prairie Provinces.

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