Papilio machaon - osmetrium, 2nd

Esther Cornelius JayAndEstherC at
Wed Mar 24 03:41:30 EST 1999

Martin: Having to represent my theory has caused me to look for cracks
in it, I think the theory may only apply to Saturnia because most other
species adults eat so they can pick up more energy after they hatch.
Saturnia adults have no real feeding apparatus, they only live a few
days after hatching and the larval stage is the source of all their
energy. If other sources of energy are available after they hatch, then
the formula changes and final competition isn't quite so important. I
once tried to raise some Speyeria diana too late in the season and the
adults were vigorous enough but only the size of Buckeyes. It gets kinda
fuzzy there, the only way to find out would be to raise some & watch for
competative behavior, and especially survivablity of the vanquished

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