Reference for NA butterfly checklist

wanda be496 at
Thu Mar 25 01:58:21 EST 1999

Niklas Wahlberg wrote:
> Thanks to all for the replies. Since there apparently is no recent
> checklist, I would like to ask whether anybody knows the current taxonomic
> status of the following species (or are they?):
> Chlosyne (Thessalia) fulvia
> Chlosyne (Thessalia) cyneas
> Phyciodes (Anthanassa) tulcis
> Poladryas arachne
> Euphydryas anicia
> Euphydryas colon
> All of these are variously considered species or subspecies depending on the author. The first four are listed as species in the NABA list, but I would like to see the source of this. The Euphydryas chalcedona group is a total mess for sure (also in my molecular data set). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ken, thanks for the offer of sending specimens, but I am now at the stage analysing and writing up the melitaeine molecular phylogeny (which means I'm out of the lab).
> Cheers, Niklas

 The latest work in "Systematics of Western North American BF" 12/98
edited by T. Emmel, shows both anicia and colon to be separate
species....   NABA will probably pick up these & other updates in their
next publication, thought to be after Paul Opler's Peterson-Western
Butterflies is published--scheduled for May....

Wanda Dameron
Flutterby Press
Los Angeles, Ca.
be496 at 

PS  "Systematics..." available thru Mariposa Press, 1717 N.W. 45th Ave.,
Gainesville, Fla. 32605, $75 + S&H $5   352-392-5894    fax 352-392-0479

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