Osmeteria through history...

Ian Thirlwell Ian at dunlinclose.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Mar 26 14:12:22 EST 1999

Is it possible there was some confusion with osmium/osmate? Or is it simply
a case of misspelling that got perpetuated - this has happened quite
frequently eg with lep scientific names.

Ian Thirlwell
ian at dunlinclose.freeserve.co.uk

Kenelm Philip wrote in message ...
> Ian Thirlwell is, of course, correct: 'osme' is Greek. And
>'osmeterium' rather than 'osmaterium' would be the correct version.
>I still wonder why the older works used 'osmaterium'. Surely it's not
>because they were ignorant of Greek?
> Ken Philip
>fnkwp at uaf.edu

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