What is the status of Zebra Swallowtail in Michigan

Roger Kuhlman rkuhlman at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 26 16:59:37 EST 1999

I wonder if anyone knows the current status of Zebra Swallowtail 
(Eurytides marcellus) populations in SE or southern Michigan. I have 
heard of historic records of the butterfly in Washtenaw, Monroe, and 
Lenawee counties within the last 15 to 30 years. I wonder if there are 
any confirmed recent sightings in the last five years for these same 

Zebra Swallowtails, I believe, can be found regularly in low numbers in 
some SW Michigan counties. If anyone has information about the species' 
population trends, I would be interested in hearing about it.

Roger Kuhlman
Ann Arbor, Michigan
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