
Charles Gavette timbukt2 at
Sat Mar 27 15:16:50 EST 1999

On Sat, 27 Mar 1999 09:32:39 EST, MATZER2 at wrote:

 From: MATZER2 at

 "Even though we do our best to protect what WE love/enjoy the
 Nature still rules. Don't you think?"
   No, Mother Nature is on the run. Natural selection cannot unfold when
there is no habitat stable enough for it to do so. Some scientists agree
that saving the rain forests are doomed to failure and suggest that we
concentrate only on those still very intact. Plenty of material for
speculation here. Europe's trees are dying as a direct result of air
pollution. Along with them is the loss of mycorrhizal fungi that help
support the trees. The loss of fungal species is increasing at an alarming
rate, and exports of edible fungi to western Europe from a few baltic
countries are now out of control.

   The citizens of Seattle voted down the proposed Light Rail Sysytem. They
are going to keep their cars regardless of the cost. And the cost is
crumbling streets that cannot withstand the time it takes to fix them,
because the New York City of the Northwest Coast has to get on with its
Pacific Rim Economy. 

The U.S. Interstate System is the largest monument ever built to late
capitalism. This monument and its use is the leading cause of environmental
degredation, unless the challenger be a collective apathy fueled by greed,
pride and the ever-popular exploitive ego. This relentless machine is not
offering solutions to the problem it is leaving behind: "Do the work,
however haphazardly, get your money, and go to the next place," seems the
scenario. When was the last time anyone reading this seriously considered
some of the devastating parameters of fossil fuel use? What does it do to
the human mind?

   "To wean our nascent planet from fossil fuel will 
require an understanding of what it is for biology to assimilate starlight
directly." (Dan Winter).

For lamentations, read Oliver Goldsmith, "The Deserted Village."

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