Bumbling amature

DR. JAMES ADAMS jadams at Carpet.dalton.peachnet.edu
Wed Mar 31 19:48:00 EST 1999

I wrote:

> numerous people in academia who welcome input from amateurs and are 
> all to willing to help as much as time permits.


>. . .  Oooo, an supposed academic such 
> as myself not reading something and then responding to it?  How 
> amateurish!!!

Clearly I am a bumbling amateur with the English language when typing 
rapidly and not proofreading.  Even though I can't spell "too" and 
use articles (like "an") incorrectly, I'm still willing to help other 
bumbling amateurs with their entomological questions.  Hey, maybe 
that's why I teach biology and not English!!


Dr. James K. Adams
Dept. of Natural Science and Math
Dalton State College
213 N. College Drive
Dalton, GA  30720
Phone: (706)272-4427; fax: (706)272-2533
U of Michigan's President James Angell's 
  Secret of Success: "Grow antennae, not horns"

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