Timing of fertilisation during moth pairing.

Mark Boddington mark.boddington at st-johns.oxford.ac.uk
Thu May 6 03:30:54 EDT 1999

Hi all,

I have recently been assembling male moths to females of various species -
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-Moth), Cerura vinula (Puss Moth) and Phalera
bucephala (Buff Tip).  I secure the females waist with a length of cotton
tied to a twig, and let the female hang freely.  The problem is that the
moths frequently disappear between when I check on them the next morning and
go to harvest the females the following evening.  It's always too early for
them to have tried to escape so I can only guess that they've been eaten!

Therefore I want to know when the actual fertilisation takes place during
the lengthy period the moths remain coupled. (Then I can guess when it is
possible to move the females to safety, a process which always seems to
result in the moths separating).



Mark Boddington
St John's College
Oxford, UK
mark.boddington at st-johns.oxford.ac.uk

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