exhibit & display of chrysalises

Matthew Smith MatSmith1 at compuserve.com
Thu May 6 18:54:17 EDT 1999

Message text written by INTERNET:rcjohnsen at aol.com
>No J. Smithe wrote that.  I merely suggested the use of double-sided tape
paper separating the pupae.  It's difficult to see how the use of straight
would not kill the pupae.
Most of the pupae seem to come with the small pad of silk the larva puts on
the substrate to hook the cremaster into still attached. It's obviously
easier to peel this off from the cage than to try and unhook the pupa
(which probably would damage or kill it).   Several of the butterfly houses
I've seen in the UK pin the pupa through the silk pad.  If there is no silk
a small blob of quick drying glue (model aircraft glue or polystyrene
cement) will glue the end of the pupa to the bar with no problems.  I'm not
surprised pupa wiggle after being stuck on with a hot glue gun, I would
think this would probably damage a fair proportion of them.



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