Dearth Of Butterflies

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Wed May 12 01:15:09 EDT 1999

Again scouting for our field trip on Saturday I spent an hour or so in
Huachuca Canyon on Fort Huachuca.  There was plenty of water at the wet
spots.  But only 5 butterflies - 2 California Sisters (Adelpha
bredowii), a Common Blue (Celestrina argiolus), and a Deva Skipper
(Atrytonopsis deva).
There were also plenty of birds - mostly migrants and mostly insect
eaters.  I have been noticing for the past three weeks or so - most of
the birds were feeding on the ground around the wet spots - the exact
places I had been searching for butterflies - instead of up in the
I wonder if there would be a connection here between the scarcity of
butterflies especially around mudding spots and hordes of insectivorous
birds actively feeding around the mudding spots.
Is there anyone out there who might have other theories regarding this
years apparently lepodopteran scarcity in our part of the country?
	             Hank Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association
	          Send Mailto:hankb at

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