What is this moth -> Indian Meal Moth + Carpet Beatle?
~UseNameForPrefix~ at att.net
Wed May 19 20:13:27 EDT 1999
On 12 May 1999 04:43:28 -0700, gochfeld at EOHSI.RUTGERS.EDU (Michael
Gochfeld) wrote:
>Indian Meal Moths are extremely clever at getting into seemingly
>airtight containers. .... Good repositories for them are bird seed
>and pasta. ...
>They like to pupate behind picture frames ... and also where
>the wall meets the ceiling.
FWIW, I've done a thorough inspection of the kitchen. There's no sign
of them on or in any packaged goods (all but the pasta is sealed in
plastic bags, anyway). There's no seeds and no ornamental flowers
here (just live plants, with no signs of the moths there). There was
a little webbing under the oven where some food debris collected, but
not a lot and I've thoroughly vacuumed that clean now (ditto under &
behind the fridge). There's no sign of them in any cabinet. There's
no food anywhere else in the the condo, and there are cinderblock
firewalls between my unit and my neighbors sealing any migration that
way (except the downstairs neighbor who reports seeing some moths but
no food source). Yet new Indian Meal Moths still appear every day or
two. I'm confused about how they can exist with no apparent food
supply and no found larve (just one a couple months ago -- creamy
white with a green tint), and why they pretty consistently migrate to
the western side of my condo to the vicinity or inside of my bedroom
closets (where there's no food).
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