Luna Moth eggs wanted

Barrie Harwood Barrie.Harwood at
Thu May 20 00:48:16 EDT 1999

Hi Adrian (and anyone else interested)
I have luna ova available from pupae supplied from the US last autumn
(fall!). I am selling these at GBP 2.50 for 15 or GBP 4 for 30 plus GBP 1.00
postage to the US.

Please get back to me if interested

Best wishes

Barrie Harwood

Adrian Wright <adrian at> wrote in message
news:LwC%2.941$3y3.1369168 at
> I am looking for a source for Luna Moth eggs to raise and release in the
> Appalachain mountains of Maryland.   I have been doing this for years but
> find it hard to find wild sources some years and wish to continue my
> So I was hoping to find a private source out there somewhere or an
> organization that has eggs available.
> Thanks!
> Adrian Wright

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