Flower moths

ANDREA KNEBEL Andrea.Knebel at Biologie.uni-bielefeld.de
Thu May 20 10:11:52 EDT 1999

Hi all,

I had these moth in food you would not nessecary expect them like 
dried herbs (thyme etc.) and dried fruit tea and they are very clever 
to get into any container even the ones with a lid screwed on. I try to 
use glas containers with rubber band to seal them, the ones you use 
to store cooked fruits in. 

I also do freeze my dried food once in a while to kill them ( like the 
herbs) and I also heat flower and the like in the oven for half an hour 
over 80 degree C. I also use phreomone traps.

And still I have these tiny critters. Just a pain!!!

Andrea Knebel
University Bielefeld,

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