Bt corn - other non-target species

Paul Cherubini paulcher at
Thu May 20 22:35:55 EDT 1999

Chip Taylor wrote:

> "Also at risk may be some of the 19 species of moths and butterflies on the US
>   Endangered Species List--if they eat plants that grow near Bt-corn
>   fields.

If the Bt corn pollen is released for only a week or two out of a whole
year, is diluted by wind and washed away by rain, how is it conceivable
that it could impact any non-target lepodopteran in a substantial way?

Please give us your hypothetical scenario in which the fall migrating
population of monarchs in the corn belt states could be reduced 1%, 10%
or 25% due to extensive planting of Bt corn in the near future?

Paul Cherubini, Placerville, California

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