White mountain trip in arizona
bmw60 at aol.com
Tue May 25 00:20:08 EDT 1999
Its May 23 and a trip to Greer and Alpine Arizona produced the following;
01 N, iole Dainty Yellow
25 A. napi Veined White
03 V. cardui Painted Lady
06 P. mylitta Mylitta Crescentspot
02 E. quaderna Arizona Hairstreak
05 E. amyntula Western Tailed Blue
02 L. melissa Orange bordered blue
10 I. eryphon Western Pine Elfin
30 M. spinatorum Thicket Hairstreak
03 P. faunus Faunus Anglewing
08 P. satyrus Satyrus Anglewing
10 P. zephyrus Zephyr Anglewing
20 A. milberta Milberts Tortoieshell
08 p. rutulus Western Tiger Swallowtail
02 p. bairdii Western Black Swallowtail
08 Varius kinds of skippers which basically go unidentified
We stayed south of Alpine for a night for black-lighting with the following
01 A. ocules (Arizona Polyphemus, more or less)
01. C. pandors davisi
03 S. cerisyi One-Eyed Sphinx
All in all, a very productive trip. The next day we planned a trip to Hannigan
meadows, but the overcast and wind wiped us out. Thats Buggin I guess.
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