Cornell Report - Industry Response

John Grehan jrg13 at
Tue May 25 08:00:17 EDT 1999

>Doug, I think it's reasonable to assume the industry companies have
>known about the Bt in the Bt corn pollen for years and have also known,
>via their own private testing,  it has no significant "toxic pollen
>effect" in a real world situation on non-target leps.  I base this
>assumption on the billions of dollars the companies would have at risk
>if they overlooked this fundamental possibility. 

Given that apparent willingness of cigarette companies to "overlook"
some fundemental facts allows one to consider this possiblity
here. If the impact is so minimal or insignificant, the 
companies will no doubt publish all their accumulated data to
support their position.

John Grehan

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