Does Bt in Corn accumulate in predators?

Danfosha at Danfosha at
Wed May 26 01:01:19 EDT 1999

Excerpted from an Associated Press ( story on Bt dated May 20, 
(look under science)


A Swiss study last year showed an indirect effect of Bt corn on the food 
chain: Insects called lacewings died more quickly if they fed on corn borers 
reared on Bt corn. 

A University of Chicago study published in September found that a weed 
altered by scientists to resist an herbicide developed a far greater ability 
to pollinate other plants and pass on its traits. The findings raised fears 
that genetic engineering could lead to the rise of ``superweeds'' impervious 
to weedkillers. 

In Scotland, a toxicologist who added insect-resistant genes and proteins to 
potatoes and fed them to rats reported that the animals suffered damaged 
immune systems, growth problems and shrunken brains. But his findings were 
sharply disputed by other scientists. "

Dan Fosha
C. Springs CO USA

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