Butterfly questions

sallie day m039jy00 at cwcom.net
Wed May 26 05:36:19 EDT 1999

sallie day wrote:

> Hello! I'm new to your discussion group and dicovered it's existence
> through contacting Neil Jones at the Butterfly Conservation site. I know
> very little about butterflies but have a number of questions . . . .
> Is it possible for peacock butterflies to hibernate in a disused stable
> and if so in what numbers ?
> Has anyone information on the Mourning Cloak butterfly ?
> Do enthusiasts still collect and set butterflies nowadays ? They used to
> in my youth but the camera has been invented since then !
> Any answers to any of these questions gratefully received. Thankyou.
> Sallie Day.

Thank you to everyone who wrote a reply to my questions. There will be a
brief pause whilst I assimilate all the information !

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