Yes, Virginia, there is an OLWW

Phil Schappert philjs at
Wed May 26 11:48:25 EDT 1999

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a l-o-n-g time (so long in fact that some of you
won't know what the hell I'm talking about) but the 29th edition of
the Online Lepidopterists' Who's Who (OLWW) has been posted (see my
official announcement note for particulars).

My original intent had been to update the OLWW every three months (for
Dec. 1st, Apr. 1st, Jun. 1st and Sep. 1st) but circumstances conspired
against me in March so the April update never got done. Barring
unforseen obstacles, the next update will be for September 1st...

To compensate in a small way for the extended wait for the new
edition, I've subsetted the complete list (which is still available
but is becoming somewhat monstrous at 206 kb) into four smaller parts
to speed up access times. For more info. see the OLWW web site at

Thanks for waiting...


Dr. Phil Schappert

Section of Integrative Biology,     Stengl-Lost Pines Biological Station, 
School of Biological Sciences       University of Texas,
University of Texas,                401 Old Antioch Rd, 
Austin, TX 78712-1064               Smithville, TX 78957 
Office/Lab: 512-471-8240            Station: 512-237-3864
Fax: 512-471-9651                   Fax: 512-237-3864 (call ahead) 

mailto:philjs at

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