Does Bt pollen spread?

Peter Kerr p.kerr at
Wed May 26 16:41:01 EDT 1999

Brian Sandle <bsandle at> wrote:
>It is very difficult to stop pollen. What checking has been done for 
>genes escaping the air containment systems of `sealed' labs?
>Is a random checking plan in place?


Sorry I haven't been following s.b.e.l, but since this crossposted to
nz.gen I must ask for an authoritative reference for popular press reports
of "beetles" happily and harmlessly munching Bt modified maize....

Is this resistance due to the "form factor" of the Bt component in the
maize? or has it been induced by excessive use of topical Bt?

Peter Kerr                           bodger
School of Music                      chandler
University of Auckland New Zealand   neo-Luddite

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