Cease and desist PAUL

Bruce Walsh jbwalsh at U.Arizona.EDU
Thu May 27 17:27:41 EDT 1999

I have been enjoying the frank discussion of BT and other somewhat
off-topics issues on the Lep lis.  However, I would like to request that
if we are starting to get personal, that we send the e-mails just to the
party invovled, not the whole list.

Chaos theory states that highly nonlinear systems are very sensitive to
very small disruptions.  The Leps-list is certainly one such system.  FOr
all our common interests, much of the postings run like the TV debate show

Might I suggest that we all take a deep beath and enjoy the lovely
upcoming weekend, and make an effort to post observed species lists,
rather than increasinly personal attacks.   This last statement is NOT
aimed at any individual, bnut rather a  general statement.



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