Malachite and Faithful beauty
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Sat May 29 00:52:38 EDT 1999
Melodye Abell, of Abell's Nursery on Hypoluxo road north of Military
Trail (Palm Beach County) told me she knows someone who is selling
malachite larvae.
(She asked me if I thought it was all right, and I advised against it,
as a matter of fact. Better to plant the host plants in your garden and
let Nature bring the bugs.)
You have the right blechum, B. browneii, I trust? They don't like the
garden varieties; just the weedy green shrimp plant. They also are said
to use ruellia. You can buy the native varieties from Melodye, or from
Meadow Beauty Nursery (Carl Terwilliger), which is close by.
South Florida is a big place ...
Anne Kilmer
Ernie Jillson wrote:
> I live in South Florida and have been looking for larva for both the
> malachite butterfly and the faithful beauty moth. I know the larval food
> plants, and have seen adults for both, but am having no luck. The larval
> food plant for the malachite is blechum while the larval food plant for the
> faithful beauty moth is devils potato as well as alamandas and related
> plants.
> Anyone know where I can find larva for either of these in my local area?
> Thanx in advance,
> Ernie
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