Beetles Exhibition reminder

Bill Grange billgrange at
Mon May 31 05:05:46 EDT 1999

'Beautiful Beetles' Exhibition at Derby Museum, England

A reminder that this exhibition, at Derby Museum and Art Gallery, the
Strand, Derby (Tel. 01332 716659), now on, runs until Sat. June 19th 

It is a comparatively small show but there is much in a small space. It
comprises some basic beetle facts, a look at some of the more
spectacular species from all over the world, and a consideration of the
relationships of beetles and people - from beetle pests and conservation
issues to beetles in art and literature. The basic intention was to
share my enthusiasm for this wonderful group with the general public and
I have been very pleased with the positive reaction to the exhibition. 

Admission to the show is free and we are open Mon. to Sat. 10am - 5pm
(Mondays from 11am)

Bill Grange

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