Moth trap results
sandydavid at
Mon May 31 16:01:13 EDT 1999
Here are the results of running my home-made moth trap over the typically
very wet bank holiday weekend in my ( small and overgrovn ) back garden.
Heart and dart 11
Shuttle shaped dart 2
Orange swift 2
Bright line brown eye 2
Common quaker 3
Angle shades 1
Setacious hebrew caracter 1
Small waved umber 1
Silver ground carpet 1
Smokey wainscot 1
Buff ermine 2
Pale mottled willow 3
Common swift 1
Two queries, I assume the small numbers I caught were due to the poor
weather, but somtimes I catch far more when it rains than when it doesn't,
I caught a couple of pugs but I find it very difficlt to
identify them ( my girlfriend calls them LBJ's little brown jobs!) can
anyone recommend a good field guide? ( I have Skinner's book)
Any comments greatfully recived ,
Sandy David,
Oakley, Bedfordshire, U.K.
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