Mex. Skipper Distribution & Illustration Resource List Avail.

wanda be496 at
Mon Nov 1 18:49:20 EST 1999


Wanted to let you know that the updated list is now available from
Flutterby Press for $10.50 including U.S. shipping charges.

It contains approximately 800 skipper species, including subspecies and
around 60 hypotheticals, with common names,* state records, and
illustration references to over 30 published books & materials.

					Wanda Dameron
					Flutterby Press
					23424 Jonathan St.
					Los Angeles Park, Calif. 91304
					be496 at

*NABA, historical or Mexican literature or NABA method--i.e. Astraptes
apastus=Apastus Flasher.

PS:  You may also be interested in:

1. Checklists from Sonora, Vera Cruz, Puerto Vallarta, Tamaulipas,
Belize, Tikal Nat. Park,Guatemala, Costa Rica & some of the western
states.  Inquire about other possible Mexican lists.

2.  Common names for Scott's BF of No. America, Mariposas Mexicanas, or
synopsis blurbs for the Costa Rican 2 vol. plates.

3.  Make your own butterfly book with my blurbs of basic info & picture

4.  Borrow my field guides to Sonora, Tamaulipas, Vera Cruz, Puerto
Vallarta Costa Rican Hairstreaks & Skippers plus some western areas for
a donation to the LANABA Conservation Fund.  Refundable deposit

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