Butterfly and Moth Research in Ecuador

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at theriver.com
Thu Nov 4 04:19:26 EST 1999

I have pasted an announcement from Harold Greeney on the SEABA web
I have been birding in Ecuador with Mitch Lysinger and met Hal Greeney
when he was in Arizona this past Spring. Harold has started a butterfly
research program near Mitch's San Isidro Lodge on the eastern slope of
the eastern Andes in Ecuador.  He needs students and others to help with
his study of butterfly and moth larvae and their food plants.  But
please read the announcement at:
Think about signing up.  There is a good chance you'll see us down
	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
                    Lat: 31.450, Long: 110.267
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association

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