oviposition site quality

Robert Cunningham robut at surat.loxinfo.co.th
Sat Nov 6 00:43:19 EST 1999

G'day all,

Yesterday I was observing a _Pachliopta aristolochiae_ ovipositing on a 
_Citrus sp _(probably _C. mitis_) outside my house (southern Thailand). 
Upon inspection of the plant I noticed it also had MANY larvae of MANY 
different development stages feeding on it. This makes me wonder if 
there has been any work done (I'm sure there has) on whether and how 
females are able to access the quality of the oviposition site prior to 
oviposition. I am aware that parasitic Hymenoptera are quite good at this 
but know very little about butterflies (I'm really a spider person).


Robert Cunningham

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