Book on California Butterflies?

John Lane johnlane at
Fri Sep 3 17:46:59 EDT 1999

    What you seek is not available yet, but hopefully will be soon.  (I'm not
sure what "soon" means; we've been waiting for over a decade now.  But with the
recent publication of Tom Emmel (Ed.) Systematics of Western North American
Butterflies -- a necessary precursor -- perhaps it will be out --really soon.)

    [Tom, John, Sterling -- want to comment?]

    Be on the lookout for: Emmel, Emmel, and Mattoon's "California Butterflies"
(or some similar title) from Stanford University Press.
Until then, there is nothing that comes close to what you seek -- an
authoritative volume on California's butterflies.
    Falling FAR short of the mark you seek, but specifically treating
California and available now, is: California Butterflies, by Garth and Tilden,
University of California Press, California Natural History Guides # 51.  (On
second thought, for now, just use Scott, paying close attention to the
distribution maps.)
John Lane

MMintz4912 at wrote:

> Can anyone reccomend a solid book on butterflies found specifically in
> California?  There are a few out there, but I am looking for something close
> to what one might consider a definitive resource ---outside of the big book
> of North American Butterflies and the Western Peterson Guide.
> Thanks in advance for any information.
> -Michael Mintz
> New York.

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