Georgia satyr host plant

John Shuey jshuey at
Tue Sep 7 09:31:16 EDT 1999

While I have not raised Georgia Satyrs, the "natural host" is almost certainly
a sedge - probably Carex.  That it will feed preferentially on grasses makes it
similar to its congener, Mitchell's satyr (Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii),
which does the same thing if offered the choice.

One note that may explain you mortality, Jennifer Szamanski has noted that for
Mitchell's satyr, humidity must be very high for larva to do well.  This is a
little counter intuitive, given the fear of mold when rearing such species, but
corresponds to the habitat of the species where the peatland soil is always
sopping wet, and the larva generally feeds just a few inches above the ground
in dense stands of sedge.

John Shuey

habitatdesigns at wrote:

> Has anyone had experience raising Georgia Satyrs (Neonympha areolata)? I
> recently acquired eggs from a female captured in south Florida. Since most
> sources listed the host as "various sedges", I offered the newly hatched
> caterpillars small sedge plants and they readily accepted them.  After a
> couple of weeks,  about half of the caterpillars inexplicably died.  Others
> appeared to quit eating. Since some sources list grass as the host plant, I
> began to offer grasses along with the sedges.  The remaining three
> caterpillars have all chosen grass and only eat sedge if it is the only
> choice. I estimate that these caterpillars are about half grown now. I am
> curious about what experience others have had.  Has anyone found a larva of
> this species in a natural situation?
> Paulette Haywood
> Birmingham, AL
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John Shuey

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