Hemileuca eglanterina

MJS323 mjs323 at aol.com
Wed Sep 8 13:37:01 EDT 1999

Laurel;  The Sheep Moth, Hemileuca eglanterina, that you found near Yosemite is
an unusually late flyer for that area.  In most of the Sierra Nevadas, the
moth's life cycle is a two year cycle, overwintering as eggs and then again as
pupae.  At that elevation, eglanterina probably feeds on Ceanothus and/or
Cherry.  It is actually very common in most of the Sierras.  The larvae emerge
from overwintering eggs in early summer, feed in clusters until the 4th instar
or stage, then disperse and feed singly until they pupate.  The are about 4"
long when through feeding.  Over their wide range they feed on many different
things, including Willow, Prune, etc.  

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