Hemileuca eglanterina

Kathleen Moon kmoon at ucla.edu
Sat Sep 11 11:25:53 EDT 1999

MJS323 wrote:
> Laurel;  The Sheep Moth, Hemileuca eglanterina, that you found near Yosemite is
> an unusually late flyer for that area.  In most of the Sierra Nevadas, the
> moth's life cycle is a two year cycle, overwintering as eggs and then again as
> pupae.  At that elevation, eglanterina probably feeds on Ceanothus and/or
> Cherry.  It is actually very common in most of the Sierras.

This together with their communal feeding behavior as young larvae makes
them look like a group of moutning cloaks.  Be careful: sheep moth
larvae have toxins in those spines.

I have seen them on Ceanothus near Portuguese Pass (in the southen part
of Tulare County, near Tobias Peak).

> The larvae emerge from overwintering eggs in early summer, feed in clusters 
> until the 4th instar or stage, then disperse and feed singly until they pupate.
> The are about 4" long when through feeding.  Over their wide range they feed 
> on many different things, including Willow, Prune, etc.

Pierre Plauzoles
sphinxangelorum at bigfoot.com
[relayed by Kathleen Moon]

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